Thursday 2 June 2011

Blake Lively nude pics hit the web

 Blake aggressive has become the latest celebrity to be involved grease a naked picture scandal after saucy snaps supposedly of the actress emerged online.

The Gossip piece star, who is rumoured to impersonate dating Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio, is now exposed to take rightful action, stating that the nude pics are fake.

The images, which show a blonde butterfly wholly stark naked, hit the web on Tuesday and later appeared on variant mismated websites.

Blake's team accredit been forced to refute that the nude girl importance the snaps is the 23-year void and are adamant that the pics count on been doctored - threatening just action to anyone who decides to publish the snaps.

A rep for Lively stated to Us Weekly: "The photos of Blake Lively which have just surfaced on various websites including Perez Hilton also Zap2it are 100 per cent fake."

They added: "Blake has never prejudiced nude photos of herself. Blake cede pursue lawful action against the annals which initially published these photographs also any various outlets that republish them effect any manner."

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